One of the biggest difficulties that I've had with lachuger videos these days is determining when they are done. I've been sitting for nearly 4 months on a video that I think is good but not particularly great.
To be honest, things used to be a lot easier when lachuger was doing scheduled weekly uploads. I always used to think to myself, "Well I need to make one of these every week. Of course some of them aren't going to be great." Now that the release schedule for lachuger is more like a quarterly release, I really feel like I have a lot more ownership over each project which has drastically slowed down the production timeline of each video.
I really feel like I'm caught in a catch-22. The quicker I shove a video through our production timeline, the worse I feel about the quality of the video. On the flipside of that, if it takes forever to release a video, the more it feels like I'm not creating enough things, which as a creative person sucks.
I guess at some point, a project just needs to be done.